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Goat Girl

+ Speed Training

sam. 19 févr. 2022 20H00

Organisateur : Le Grand Mix
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Communiqué du 14 janvier 2022 :
En raison du contexte sanitaire, le concert de Goat Girl est annulé.
Le remboursement des places interviendra de manière automatique dans les jours à venir .

Hey everyone,
We’re really sorry to say that despite a lot of hard work to try and make it work as of today, it won't be possible to play our shows planned for months in Europe due to the ongoing restrictions. Things are tough at the moment and we were so much looking forward to seeing you all, but, we need to hang on a little longer. Full refunds will be available from the point of purchase and hopefully it’ll be all the more sweeter when we finally make it out of here to play for you! Thanks for your ongoing patience and support, love, GG x